Sydney Johnson, Student
Sydney is a 7th grader at Crossroads School in Santa Monica. She started volunteering with MMK shortly after meeting the founder and learning about the life changing work MMK does in Kenya. Never too young for community service, Sydney had previously volunteered with with the Giving Spirit to pack and distribute food and other essentials to house-less people.
Sydney helped sort and pre-pack medications, research airfare for our volunteers, and helped with the fundraisers events. She worked with our doctors to create the assessment forms ensuring that basic information-such as the chief complains, medical history, and demographics, were captured to keep track of the people that MMK assisted. In her application, Sydney stated that she believes "accessible healthcare should be afforded to everyone". Sydney also researched tailors and designed our MMK volunteers T-shirts, negotiating the prices which brought our costs down.
Sydney wants to continue to be involved with MMK ensuring our medications are packed effectively and are easily identifiable so MMK volunteers can distribute the medications to as many people as possible. She hopes to save enough money so she can travel with MMK and help the people that live in the villages in-person.